Friday, September 18, 2009

Diabetes Is Not the Only Unhealthy Consequence Of Obesity

By Ray Ricardo

Excess body fat is not only unsightly, it can be deadly. People are often aware of the increased risk for hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes in obesity. However there are other serious and deadly conditions associated with excess body fat. The location of body fat stores is directly related to disease risk factors. Abdominal fat is particularly dangerous. People with excess levels of abdominal fat are at markedly increased risk of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and type 2diabetes—both of which are closely related to the metabolic syndrome. Recent studies have also shown that the potent endocrine function of abdominal body fat may explain the relationship between abdominal fat and cognitive decline, such as that seen in Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Abdominal fat is not just a problem in adults—new studies have established a relationship between fat distribution in early childhood and adolescence and serious chronic disease in early to mid-adulthood. Even within the abdomen, the location of fat stores matters. People with excessive amounts of fat in their livers (fatty liver disease) are at even higher risk for all of these chronic conditions, compared with those who have lower levels of liver fat. Indeed, damage to liver cells, as measured by increased levels of liver-based enzymes in the bloodstream, is closely associated with decreased insulin sensitivity and is a risk factor for development of type 2 diabetes.

Because of its chemical nature, fat is readily oxidized by free radicals—and it is the oxidized form of many lipids that triggers the blood vessel damage and eventual plaque formation that leads to atherosclerosis and its deadly consequences. The bottom line is that people with excessive adipose tissue are walking "oxidant factories" whose bodies must cope with enormous loads of these violently destructive molecules. The metabolic syndrome and its related conditions all derive from increased levels of inflammatory molecules called cytokines—and inflammatory cytokines are more prominent in people with excessive stores of body fat. Physicians now commonly measure certain markers of inflammation such as C-reactive protein (CRP) as a means of screening for people at risk for cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, reductions in body fat content (through exercise, diet, and appropriate supplementation) are associated with healthy reductions in inflammatory markers such as CRP—and that means a reduction in the many risk factors associated with obesity-related inflammation.
Excess body fat not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, it also increases the risk of deadly cancers. Studies have shown a powerful association between body fat content and kidney and liver cancers. By now, it should be no surprise to learn that weight loss, specifically body fat reduction, can lead to lowered risks for cancers just as it does for other devastating conditions. One study has estimated a reduction of 45% in the risk of breast cancer in women who lost more than about nine pounds. Despite the obvious dangers of obesity and specifically, elevated abdominal body fat content, most Americans have a hard time losing weight. Many turn to "quick-fix" solutions such as bariatric surgery ("stomach stapling"), which actually does provide some benefit in extreme cases, or to "diet pills" that are usually ineffective and often dangerous. The best and safest approaches to weight loss continue to be a modest reduction in caloric intake coupled with a careful increase in energy expenditure.

Dr. Ray Ricardo is a board certified pathologist and has been in practice for 35 years. He trained at New York University, Bellevue Medical center and N.Y. Veterans Medical Hospital. His main interest and subspecialty is Immunopathology. He is currently chairman and president of Totalmed Corporation, a health delivery company and International College of Integrative Medicine, a teaching and training institution for complementary medicine. He is also president of Antioxidants Inc., a health products marketing company.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

How Women Can Overcome Migraine?

Kevin Moshayedi

Migraine is a one-sided, throbbing, or pulsating intense headache commonly associated with nausea, vomiting and a dislike of light and sound. Fluctuation in the level of estrogen hormone is the prime factor for migraines in women. During the time of menstruation, when there is hormonal fluctuation, women typically get migraines. Many women find that their migraine gets worse as they approach the menopause. Other factors that can trigger migraine in any person includes allergies, dental problems, stress, constipation, smoking, too much or too little sleep, liver malfunction, emotional changes, sun glare, hormonal changes, flashing lights, lack of exercise, changes in barometric pressure. According to surveys, most women report that their migraines make them lose control over their own lives. Many feel that migraines negatively affect their overall health by making them anxious or depressed and by causing nausea and other stomach problems associated with characteristic migraine headaches.

Untreated Migraines reduce the quality of life. It can also be dangerous, leading to stroke, life-threatening dental infections, aneurysms, coma and even death. Most migraine sufferers never seek any medical help, and they just depend on self-help measures. Recognizing the factors that activate the symptoms of migraine is important for successful treatment. Avoiding situations which stimulates an attack and then taking up simple timely treatment can be sufficient for many. Migraine Campaigns are there to help sufferers overcome migraine pain.

Simple painkillers such as aspirin and paracetamol would work for many attacks of migraine, if the stomach is able to absorb the drug into the blood stream. Drugs called triptans and ergotamine based medicines are very effective for some people. A nasal spray may help those in whom the nausea starts. Sometimes the pill makes migraine worse and stopping the pill may be necessary. Application of natural progesterone cream is a simple and often effective treatment for most female migraine sufferers. New treatments and techniques help many patients successfully manage their migraines.

Besides the internal and external treatments, here are some tips for women to overcome migraine. Cooperate with your doctor by giving him the correct information he needs in order to accurately diagnose your migraine condition and to give you the right treatment to either prevent or stop your migraine. The best thing is to follow your migraine treatment plan exactly as prescribed, take your medicine without any delay. This is important because if you treat your migraine early, there is less possibility of it getting worse. Understand the pattern of when and how migraines affect you in order to monitor whether your migraines are getting better with some treatment. Try to make sure that your home and work place are in a comfortable environment, free from migraine triggers. Try to avoid your exposure to migraine triggers. Join some support group to share your migraine experiences and to get the current information about migraines. Boost your confidence by knowing

how to manage the stress, pain and emotional issues that are all related to your migraines. Relax yourself for at least half-an-hour every day to de-stress and have control of your life. Try to know some relaxation exercises prescribed by leading migraine specialists, and do them regularly. Ask your family and spouse to be supportive by helping in household responsibilities. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and relaxing yourself won’t just help you to overcome your migraines, but also help you feel better overall.

Kevin Moshayedi is an expert author, who is presently working on the site forWomen's Health. He has written many articles in various topics like doctor search.

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Hypertension | Are You At Risk?

Diane Selanders

High blood pressure (hypertension) is often referred to as the silent killer. You can have it for years and never know it, as there are no signs or symptoms. Learning more about high blood pressure helps you to gain a better understanding of what is at stake and why managing your high blood pressure is so important.

If high blood pressure is not effectively controlled, damage to several different areas of the body can occur. Here is a list of the complications:

Your ARTERIES should be flexible, strong and elastic to supply vital organs and tissues with nutrition and oxygen. Circulating fats in the blood can collect causing a hardening of the arteries known as Arteriosclerosis or Atherosclerosis. Aneruysm is another possible complication.

Your HEART can be damaged in a number of ways, such as with Coronary Heart Disease, having an Enlarged Heart or even Heart Failure where the heart becomes wore out and fails from the added exertion.

Your BRAIN depends on a nourishing blood supply to function properly, just like your heart. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), a Stroke or Dementia can occur if this blood supply is altered.

Your KIDNEYS filter excess fluid and waste from your blood. The large and small vessels can be damaged, causing waste to accumulate, which may require you to need dialysis.

Your EYES have tiny delicate blood vessels, which are vulnerable to the damage from high blood pressure.

OTHER POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS are sexual dysfunction, bone loss and trouble sleeping.

Physicians often prescribe medication because it is a very effective way to lower high blood pressure and decrease a person's risk of developing complications that are related to hypertension. Some groups of medicines like diuretics, beta blockers, alpha blockers, calcium channel blockers, receptor blockers and ACE inhibitors are known to be beneficial. However, medication is only effective if it is taken as prescribed by a physician. In some cases, treating other conditions such as high cholesterol or diabetes with medication and lifestyle changes in order to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke may also be necessary.

Medication used long-term requires commitment to lead a longer and healthier life. Although taking medications for a long period of time may seem like a chore, research has proven that many antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering) medication provide effective, long-term treatment for people with hypertension. The effects of these medications help to decrease the risk of death and disability from the complications associated with hypertension.

Lifestyle changes and medication are the usual treatment for hypertension. Do not Overlook the cost factor and side effect profile. For reasons such as these, sufferers of malignant and benign hypertension want to know more about how to lower their blood pressure. They want to find cheaper and natural methods that are safe and without side effects.

Some extremely informative information and recommendations can be found on the internet. The welcoming news is that patients can lower their blood pressure levels with some lifestyle alterations along with exercise. Diet is the most important part of this and the patient must be aware of recommended and banned foods, liquid intake volume, the right vitamin and mineral supplements, etc. Therefore, adopting healthy lifestyle changes can help you manage your disease. For example, reducing your salt intake and losing a little bit of weight can have a big impact in lowering your blood pressure. So, explore steps today to take control of your blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease.

Monitoring your blood pressure every day helps you maintain your best health. Visit today to find a blood pressure monitor that best meets your needs! Go to for useful information.

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Self Hypnosis | A way of life

Clint Jhonson

Social advancement and technological development of the society comes with a price. More working hours, stress, tiredness, excessive smoking, etc. are few problems related to this development and hectic lifestyle. There are other psychological problems like fear, lack of confidence, and mood swings which often trouble our mind. We want to have a more relaxed life without having to tackle these emotional problems. This is where hypnosis comes as a boon. It is a state of mind where you totally concentrate to relax your mind by listening to positive suggestions. Self hypnosis refers to a similar state of mind where the suggestions of concentration and relaxation is produced by yourself.

Our mind is both altered and relaxed when we are under hypnosis. It is as if we are watching ourselves standing from a distance. Hypnosis makes your mind open to suggestion. It is a level of consciousness where you let go your ego. In self hypnosis you are relaxing as well as presenting suggestions to yourself. You have to decide a time frame within which you will carry out this activity. A span of 5 to 20 minutes is a reasonable time to achieve the level of concentration needed for self hypnosis. Then you have to find a quiet and secluded place where you can practice self hypnosis without being interrupted.

Once you have located such a place you may arrange a comfortable chair to sit and start the hypnosis therapy. The first step is to make your mind free of any thought. This is difficult and requires practice to consciously eliminate thoughts from popping up. You can even think about a green meadow or field or even cascading water and try to concentrate. Automatically your mind will start relaxing.

Once your mind is devoid of active thoughts you may use hypnosis to visualize each part of your body starting from toe and working upward to the scalp to relax. You may command your toe to relax. As you feel the tension leaving that specific body part work upward to the feet and suggest it to relax and so on till you feel each part of your body feeling heavy and relaxed.

Once you achieve this level of self hypnosis, the next step is to suggest yourself what you want to gain from this session. Suppose you want to gain confidence, you will say 'I am confident' or 'I am becoming stronger'. Keep in mind that these sentences should always be positive.

There are a number of self hypnosis CDs and MP3s available which may help you in your hypnosis sessions. These will help you in learning hypnosis without much effort on your side. The process of self hypnosis presents a feeling of descending stairs. You are in a state of extreme relaxation where your mind is free to accept any suggestion coming to you. When you want to come out of it you have to imagine you are ascending the stairs. You may count till 10 and allow yourself to come slowly out of the hypnotic state.

Hypnosis is a slow process which needs patience. Mastering the art of self hypnosis itself takes some time. The therapy to work on your mind and rid it of negative thoughts will take even more time. So be patient and practice regularly and you will achieve the sense of mental well being very soon.

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