Thursday, February 5, 2009

Self Hypnosis | A way of life

Clint Jhonson

Social advancement and technological development of the society comes with a price. More working hours, stress, tiredness, excessive smoking, etc. are few problems related to this development and hectic lifestyle. There are other psychological problems like fear, lack of confidence, and mood swings which often trouble our mind. We want to have a more relaxed life without having to tackle these emotional problems. This is where hypnosis comes as a boon. It is a state of mind where you totally concentrate to relax your mind by listening to positive suggestions. Self hypnosis refers to a similar state of mind where the suggestions of concentration and relaxation is produced by yourself.

Our mind is both altered and relaxed when we are under hypnosis. It is as if we are watching ourselves standing from a distance. Hypnosis makes your mind open to suggestion. It is a level of consciousness where you let go your ego. In self hypnosis you are relaxing as well as presenting suggestions to yourself. You have to decide a time frame within which you will carry out this activity. A span of 5 to 20 minutes is a reasonable time to achieve the level of concentration needed for self hypnosis. Then you have to find a quiet and secluded place where you can practice self hypnosis without being interrupted.

Once you have located such a place you may arrange a comfortable chair to sit and start the hypnosis therapy. The first step is to make your mind free of any thought. This is difficult and requires practice to consciously eliminate thoughts from popping up. You can even think about a green meadow or field or even cascading water and try to concentrate. Automatically your mind will start relaxing.

Once your mind is devoid of active thoughts you may use hypnosis to visualize each part of your body starting from toe and working upward to the scalp to relax. You may command your toe to relax. As you feel the tension leaving that specific body part work upward to the feet and suggest it to relax and so on till you feel each part of your body feeling heavy and relaxed.

Once you achieve this level of self hypnosis, the next step is to suggest yourself what you want to gain from this session. Suppose you want to gain confidence, you will say 'I am confident' or 'I am becoming stronger'. Keep in mind that these sentences should always be positive.

There are a number of self hypnosis CDs and MP3s available which may help you in your hypnosis sessions. These will help you in learning hypnosis without much effort on your side. The process of self hypnosis presents a feeling of descending stairs. You are in a state of extreme relaxation where your mind is free to accept any suggestion coming to you. When you want to come out of it you have to imagine you are ascending the stairs. You may count till 10 and allow yourself to come slowly out of the hypnotic state.

Hypnosis is a slow process which needs patience. Mastering the art of self hypnosis itself takes some time. The therapy to work on your mind and rid it of negative thoughts will take even more time. So be patient and practice regularly and you will achieve the sense of mental well being very soon.

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